
30 years ago, the first 300 recycling bikes left Switzerland for Ghana. To date, 300,000 more have followed. The «Bicycles for Africa» program of the Drahtesel bicycle workshop initiated by Paolo Richter has developed into an independent organization that creates perspectives with bicycles in Switzerland and seven African countries.

How it all began

On the initiative of Paolo Richter, the bicycle recycling workshop Drahtesel with four workplaces for unemployed people is created. In the same year Paolo launches the program «Bicycles for Africa» together with his friend Mozato Ohene-Akonor from Ghana.


The first container

A first shipping container full of recycling bicycles leaves Switzerland for Ghana. In the picture: Paolo’s friend Mozato Ohene-Akonor.


The collection network is created

A bicycle collection network with 32 collection points in the canton of Bern is created. This network will be continuously expanded to around 400 collection points today. A network of partner workshops is growing to process the increasing number of bicycles, which today comprises over 30 organizations.


10’000 exported bicycles

Before the turn of the millennium, the 10’000th recycling bike leaves Bern Liebefeld for Africa.


Awarded the North-South-Prize

The Drahtesel receives the North-South-Prize of the Romero House Lucerne for the program «Bicycles for Africa» together with the organization Etre Comme Les Autres (ECLA) from Burkina Faso.


New partners in Africa

After Ghana and Burkina Faso, the Ivory Coast is the third country to which the Drahtesel has been exporting bicycles since 2002.


Paolo Richter elected «Swiss Social Entrepreneur of the Year»

The Schwab Foundation honors the Velafrica founder and chooses him as «Swiss Social Entrepreneur of the Year».


The beginning of «Bike to School»

At the Vijana Bicycle Center (VBC), the starting signal is given for the mobility program, which is still successful today: for the first time, bicycles are being given away free of charge and at greatly reduced prices to students with long distances to school. To date, over 4000 children and young people have benefited from «Bike to School».


Rising export numbers

In September the Drahtesel ships its 100’000th bicycle. In the meantime, bicycles are also exported to Eritrea, Tanzania and Gambia.


«Bicycles for Africa» becomes Velafrica

The Foundation for Social Innovation becomes Sinnovativ, «Bicycles for Africa» becomes Velafrica.


Velafrica is elected «Charity of the Year»

The Swiss Re Foundation awards Velafrica with the prestigious prize at the end of the year.


200’000th bike exported

The Arusha Bicycle Center in Tanzania is the first bicycle center to start operations. In comparison with other bicycle shops, this center is developing targeted mobility and vocational training programs. In the same year Velafrica breaks away from the Drahtesel and becomes an independent company of the Sinnovativ Foundation. In autumn the 200’000th bicycle is shipped.


New bicycle center in Burkina Faso

Together with long-standing partners, Velafrica is building a new bicycle center in Burkina Faso. At the end of 2019, Faso Velo will start operations.


Velafrica celebrates 30 years

Since 1993, when it was still called “Bicycles for Africa”, Velafrica has been shipping unused Swiss bikes to Africa. Fittingly for this anniversary, another milestone is reached: in spring, the 300,000th bicycle is being exported.

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